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Returns an array of real values parsed from a given string of elements separated by a delimiter.

numbers = "10,21,13,3,18,15";

array = explode(",", numbers);

//  array[0] == 10
//  array[1] == 21
//  array[2] == 13
//  array[3] == 3
//  array[4] == 18
//  array[5] == 15
Returns an array of real values parsed from a given string of elements separated by a delimiter.
COPY/// explode_real(delimiter,string)
//  Returns an array of real values parsed from a given 
//  string of elements separated by a delimiter.
//      delimiter   delimiter character, string
//      string      group of elements, string
    var arr;
    var del = argument0;
    var str = argument1 + del;
    var len = string_length(del);
    var ind = 0;
    repeat (string_count(del, str)) {
        var pos = string_pos(del, str) - 1;
        arr[ind] = real(string_copy(str, 1, pos));
        str = string_delete(str, 1, pos + len);
    return arr;

Contributors: xot

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