NOTE: Depends on lines_intersect() and point_in_triangle().
- polygon_to_triangles(polygon)
- Returns a list of triangles created from a given 2D polygon.
COPY/// polygon_to_triangles(polygon)
// Returns a list of triangles created from a given 2D polygon.
// polygon ds_list of an ordered series of coordinate
// pairs defining the shape of a polygon
// The polygon vertices are given and returned in traditional
// counter-clockwise order. Polygons are closed figures with edges
// spanning consecutive vertices and from the last vertex to the
// first. Polygons must be simple, which means they cannot have
// edges that cross one another. The number of triangles created
// is (n-2), where n is the number of vertices in the polygon.
// eg. in: square polygon = { 100,100, 100,200, 200,200, 200,100 }
// out: two triangles = { 100,100, 100,200, 200,100,
// 100,200, 200,200, 200,100 }
// Depends on lines_intersect() and point_in_triangle().
/// gmlscripts.pro/license
var polygon, polygonSize, triangles, points, polyX, polyY, good;
var i, j, n, p, A, B, C, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;
polygon = argument0;
polygonSize = ds_list_size(polygon) div 2;
triangles = ds_list_create();
points = ds_list_create();
polyX = ds_list_create();
polyY = ds_list_create();
i = 0;
repeat (polygonSize)
ds_list_add(polyX, ds_list_find_value(polygon, i));
ds_list_add(polyY, ds_list_find_value(polygon, i+1));
i += 2;
// 1. For (n - 3) vertices
n = polygonSize;
for (n = polygonSize; n > 3; n -= 1)
// a. Select first point (random)
for (p = 0; p < n; p += 1) ds_list_add(points, p);
repeat (p)
i = floor(random(ds_list_size(points)));
A = ds_list_find_value(points, i);
ds_list_delete(points, i);
// b. Pick the next two points
B = (A + 1) mod n;
C = (A + 2) mod n;
// c. Make a triangle with the selected points
x0 = ds_list_find_value(polyX, A);
y0 = ds_list_find_value(polyY, A);
x1 = ds_list_find_value(polyX, B);
y1 = ds_list_find_value(polyY, B);
x2 = ds_list_find_value(polyX, C);
y2 = ds_list_find_value(polyY, C);
// d. If triangle is counter-clockwise...
if ((x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) + (y0 - y1) * (x2 - x0) < 0)
good = true;
// ...and if triangle has no vertices within it...
for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
if ((i != A) && (i != B) && (i != C))
x3 = ds_list_find_value(polyX, i);
y3 = ds_list_find_value(polyY, i);
if (point_in_triangle(x3, y3, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2))
good = false;
// ...and if the new edge has no other edges crossing it...
j = (i + 1) mod n;
if ((j != A) && (j != B) && (j != C))
x4 = ds_list_find_value(polyX, j);
y4 = ds_list_find_value(polyY, j);
if (lines_intersect(x0, y0, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, true) != 0)
good = false;
// e. ...then add the triangle to list and remove the unshared vertex
if (good)
ds_list_add(triangles, x0);
ds_list_add(triangles, y0);
ds_list_add(triangles, x1);
ds_list_add(triangles, y1);
ds_list_add(triangles, x2);
ds_list_add(triangles, y2);
ds_list_delete(polyX, B);
ds_list_delete(polyY, B);
// 2. There are only three vertices left, so add the final triangle to the list
ds_list_add(triangles, ds_list_find_value(polyX, 0));
ds_list_add(triangles, ds_list_find_value(polyY, 0));
ds_list_add(triangles, ds_list_find_value(polyX, 1));
ds_list_add(triangles, ds_list_find_value(polyY, 1));
ds_list_add(triangles, ds_list_find_value(polyX, 2));
ds_list_add(triangles, ds_list_find_value(polyY, 2));
// 3. Clean up
return triangles;
Contributors: xot
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