Clones a map deeply to a new copy, cloning any nested maps and lists, and returning the created root map.
map = ds_map_create(); // resulting map D:
map[? "Hello"] = "World"; // {
map[? "Goodbye"] = "Cruel World"; // Hello: "World"
// Goodbye: "Cruel World"
clone = ds_map_create(); // Clone:
// {
ds_map_copy(clone, map); // Hello: "World"
// Goodbye: "Cruel World"
map[? "Clone"] = clone; // Yesterday: "Tomorrow"
map[? "Zero"] = "Infinity"; // }
clone[? "Yesterday"] = "Tomorrow"; // Zero: "Infinity"
// }
D = ds_map_deep_clone(map);
- ds_map_deep_clone(map)
- Clones a map deeply to a new copy, cloning any nested maps and lists, and returning the created root map.
COPY/// ds_map_deep_clone(map)
// Clones a map deeply to a new copy,
// cloning any nested maps and lists,
// and returning the created root map.
// map The map to clone
/// gmlscripts.pro/license
var map, json, clone;
map = argument0;
json = json_encode(map);
clone = json_decode(json);
return clone;
Contributors: RaniSputnik
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