NOTE: This script is made somewhat redundant by the addition of
native functions ds_map_read()
and ds_map_write()
although this script works differently.
- ds_map_load(file [,delim])
- Loads the contents of a file into a new map data structure, returning its id.
COPY/// ds_map_load(file [,delim])
// Loads the contents of a file into a new
// map data structure, returning its id.
// file file name, string
// delim delimiter used between elements, string
/// gmlscripts.pro/license
var FileIn, MapItems, CurrLine, NumItems, i, TempKey, TempValue;
// Open the file that contains the map
FileIn = file_text_open_read(argument0); // Open the Map File
MapItems = ds_map_create(); // Create the Map to be read into
CurrLine = ''; // Default to an empty string
// Read the entire file into a variable
while (!file_text_eof(FileIn)) {
CurrLine += file_text_read_string(FileIn);
// Technically we should not have a return and a comma
// But just incase lets make sure that we do not add an extra one.
if (string_char_at(CurrLine,string_length(CurrLine)) != ',') {
if (argument1 != 0) {
if (string_char_at(CurrLine,string_length(CurrLine)) != string(argument1)) {
CurrLine += ',';
CurrLine += ',';
// Remove the final comma
CurrLine = string_delete(CurrLine,string_length(CurrLine),1);
// Add Support for other separators.
CurrLine = string_replace_all(CurrLine,';',',');
if ( argument1 != 0 ) {
CurrLine = string_replace_all(CurrLine,string(argument1),',');
CurrLine = string_replace_all(CurrLine,', ',",");
CurrLine = string_replace_all(CurrLine,' ,',",");
// Get the number of items to be placed into the map, if there is an
// odd number, round up and we will default to 0.
NumItems = ceil((string_count(',',CurrLine) + 1)/2);
// Read The Values into the Map
for( i = 0; i < NumItems; i += 1 ) {
if ( string_count(',',CurrLine) > 1 ) {
TempKey = string_copy(CurrLine,1,string_pos(',',CurrLine)-1);
CurrLine = string_delete(CurrLine,1,string_pos(',',CurrLine));
TempValue = string_copy(CurrLine,1,string_pos(',',CurrLine)-1);
CurrLine = string_delete(CurrLine,1,string_pos(',',CurrLine));
if ( string_count(',',CurrLine) = 1 ) {
TempKey = string_copy(CurrLine,1,string_pos(',',CurrLine)-1);
CurrLine = string_delete(CurrLine,1,string_pos(',',CurrLine));
TempValue = CurrLine;
CurrLine = '';
TempKey = CurrLine;
CurrLine = '';
TempValue = 0;
return (MapItems);
Contributors: Leif902
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